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The Visitor

Short Film • 15 min 51 sec • Fiction • Drama, Mystery

Year: 2017 • Production Location: Belgium 

Original language: Dutch, French
Color • Aspect ratio 2.39:1 • Stereo/5.1 Dolby



A priest faces an unexpected problem while preparing the church to welcome and help out some guests. It is holiday and a pipe has burst in the church. It seems that he cannot find any plumber, until a mysterious man shows up to help.



Written & Directed by: Ali Baharlou

Cast: Arieh Worthalter, Tristan Versteven, Olivier Bonjour,

Tom De Hoog

Director of Photography: Wim Vanswijgenhoven

Music: Raf Keunen

Edit: Ali Baharlou, Mathilde De Brancion,

Jerome Bartholomeus, Olivier Lambrechts​

Colorist: Tom Mulder

Sound: Thomas Resimont, Dimitry De Cock, Thibaut Nguyen

Sound Assistant: Valentin Beyer, Wesley Sannen

Gaffers: Maxim Honore, Mael Robijns

Art Director: Ario Akhlaghi

Costume Design: Astrid De Leener

Make-up: Anke De Wae

Location Manager. Ana Silva

Assistand Directors: Davey Snoek, Patricia Lopes

Production Managers: Patricia Lopes, Petar Veljacic

Script Supervisor: Thomas Deknop, Nefer Nunes






© Ali Baharlou | 2018 | All Rights Reserved.

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